Minutes – Council Meeting of APSSM, ISSM MEETING 16/12/2023
12:10pm, Exhibition Trade Center, Dubai
DG Moon (Korea), Lukman Hakim (Indonesia), Hwan Chul Son (Korea), Wei Kung Tsai (Taiwan) – Kavirach Tantiwongse (ThaiLand) - Nansalmaa Naidan (Mongolia) – Mai Ba Tien Dung (Vietnam)
- DM welcomed all to the meeting and explained the purpose of the nformal meeting to discuss the APSSM action plan 2024.
APSSM / ISSM session:
- The President and General Secretary of APSSM say thank you to all APSSM members for their active participation and successful organization of the APSSM/ISSM session.

APSSM action plan 2024
- Collaborations with ISSM – ESSM – UAA
- APSSM/ESSM session at Bari, Italia (Feb 2024)
- ICSM at Madrid, Spain (Jun 2024)
- Hong Kong Andrology and Men’s Health. APSSM section online by Zoom and offline (2 – 3 speakers from APSSM will join, Jun 23, 2024.
- UAA Congress 2024 in Bali (5th – 8th Sep 2024)
- APSSM/UAA session: 02 hours
- 08 - 10 topics
- Each country will have one topic.
- Support from Indonesia: Free registration for APSSM faculty
- Focus on sexual dysfunction, male infertility.
- 27 Dec (deadline) all EC members can attend meeting pls submit the title of abstract to Mai Ba Tien Dung (maibatiendung@yahoo.com) and will double check program with Hakim.
- Moderation, panel list: local and international.
- ISSM meeting in Rio, Brazil (26th – 29th Sep 2024):
- APSSM/ISSM session: 02 hours
- 10 topics.
- More abstracts.
- Discussion ISSM => more benefits for speakers.
- Abstract: will be printed.
- CME.
- Each country will have 1 topic.
- We need a main topic for the section.
- APSSM satellite meeting with FSD topic - support from ISSM at Vietnam (Oct 2024)
- APSSM: research and education
- Transgender: Ask support from Maurice Garcia (USA) and Kavirach Tantiwongse (ThaiLand)
- Penile surgery: ASOPS more activities & IPP Program with limited for caveder program (Eric Chung - Sung Hun Park - Kavirach Tantiwongse).
- Program education by Eric Chung (EROS) => at this moment can transfer mission to committee education.
- APSSM’s Consensus
- Testosterone therapy: testosterone deficiency – testosterone for transgender.
- Erectile Dysfunction: this consensus can be divided into topics (Hakim), example: ED & IPP can be written by Hwan Chul Son.
- Premature Ejaculation.
- After surgery transgender.
- Prosate disease and men’s health.
EC members of APSSM should propose participating in writing the consensus. Please send your contributions to email of APSSM's SG (maibatiendung@yahoo.com) before 28th Feb 2024.
- Webinars
- Buy Zoom account with price 3.500 USD / year (from APSSM education program). We will have 6 webinars / 2024.
- Topic and date of webinar
- Penile surgery topic will be organized on Jan & Mar 2024 – lead by Professor DG Moon.
- LGBTQ, Transgender: will be organized on May & July - lead by Professor Maurice Garcia (USA), Kavirach Tantiwongse (ThaiLand) and support from ICSM (committee 11).
- Male Hypogonadism: will be organized in Oct.
- Male Infertility: will be organized in Nov – lead by Professor Eric Chung
EC members of APSSM should propose participating in webinar. Please send your contributions to email of APSSM's SG (maibatiendung@yahoo.com) before 30th Dec 2023.