Asia Pacific Society for Sexual Medicine
APSSM Webinars

Council Meeting of APSSM, ISSM MEETING

APSSM Webinars Saturday, 16/12/2023, 15:17 GMT+7

Minutes – Council Meeting of APSSM, ISSM MEETING 16/12/2023

12:10pm, Exhibition Trade Center, Dubai


DG Moon (Korea), Lukman Hakim (Indonesia), Hwan Chul Son (Korea), Wei Kung Tsai (Taiwan) – Kavirach Tantiwongse (ThaiLand) - Nansalmaa Naidan (Mongolia) – Mai Ba Tien Dung (Vietnam)


  • DM welcomed all to the meeting and explained the purpose of the nformal meeting to discuss the APSSM action plan 2024.

APSSM / ISSM session:

  • The President and General Secretary of APSSM say thank you to all APSSM members for their active participation and successful organization of the APSSM/ISSM session.

APSSM action plan 2024

  1. Collaborations with ISSM – ESSM – UAA
    1. APSSM/ESSM session at Bari, Italia (Feb 2024)
    2. ICSM at Madrid, Spain (Jun 2024)
    3. Hong Kong Andrology and Men’s Health. APSSM section online by Zoom and offline (2 – 3 speakers from APSSM will join, Jun 23, 2024.
    4. UAA Congress 2024 in Bali (5th – 8th Sep 2024)
      • APSSM/UAA session: 02 hours
      • 08 - 10 topics
      • CME
      • Each country will have one topic.
      • Support from Indonesia: Free registration for APSSM faculty
      • Focus on sexual dysfunction, male infertility.
      • 27 Dec (deadline) all EC members can attend meeting pls submit the title of abstract to Mai Ba Tien Dung ( and will double check program with Hakim.
      • Moderation, panel list: local and international.

    1. ISSM meeting in Rio, Brazil (26th – 29th Sep 2024):
      • APSSM/ISSM session: 02 hours
      • 10 topics.
      • More abstracts.
      • Discussion ISSM => more benefits for speakers.
      • Abstract: will be printed.
      • CME.
      • Each country will have 1 topic.
      • We need a main topic for the section.

    1. APSSM satellite meeting with FSD topic - support from ISSM at Vietnam (Oct 2024)

  1. APSSM: research and education
    1. Transgender: Ask support from Maurice Garcia (USA) and Kavirach Tantiwongse (ThaiLand)
    2. Penile surgery: ASOPS more activities & IPP Program with limited for caveder program (Eric Chung - Sung Hun Park - Kavirach Tantiwongse).
    3. Program education by Eric Chung (EROS) => at this moment can transfer mission to committee education.

  1. APSSM’s Consensus
    1. Testosterone therapy: testosterone deficiency – testosterone for transgender.   
    2. Erectile Dysfunction: this consensus can be divided into topics (Hakim), example: ED & IPP can be written by Hwan Chul Son.
    3. Premature Ejaculation.
    4. After surgery transgender.
    5. Prosate disease and men’s health.

EC members of APSSM should propose participating in writing the consensus. Please send your contributions to email of APSSM's SG ( before 28th Feb 2024.

  1. Webinars
    1. Buy Zoom account with price 3.500 USD / year (from APSSM education program). We will have 6 webinars / 2024.
    2. Topic and date of webinar
      • Penile surgery topic will be organized on Jan & Mar 2024 – lead by Professor DG Moon.
      • LGBTQ, Transgender: will be organized on May & July - lead by Professor Maurice Garcia (USA), Kavirach Tantiwongse (ThaiLand) and support from ICSM (committee 11).
      • Male Hypogonadism: will be organized in Oct.
      • Male Infertility: will be organized in Nov – lead by Professor Eric Chung

EC members of APSSM should propose participating in webinar. Please send your contributions to email of APSSM's SG ( before 30th Dec 2023.
